Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Gifted Newsletter April 2014

Dear Parents,
    We had such an exciting quarter and we have been very busy with our Challenge Based Learning (CBL) Challenges. We began the year with exploring the idea of what it takes to be a hero. With our CBL Challenges the students set out with the Big Idea of “Being heroes on Oneco Elementary School’s Campus”. The students have chosen several issues on campus to tackle.

Challenge #1 -Grade 3
To encourage better cooperation at recess.   

Students will be creating a video explaining the playground rules and providing rules posters for each general education classroom.

Challenge #2 - Grade 4/5
To prevent bullying on Oneco’s Campus.
Students will be creating an Anti-Bullying Campaign including a Public Service Announcement (PSA) as well as some other components not yet defined

Challenge #3 - Grade 4/5 and Grade K-2
To keep Oneco clean and beautiful.
This project is going global and we will be working with several schools around the US to apply ways to keep our schools clean and beautiful.

Much of this solution is yet to be discovered. However, our fourth and fifth graders have written and applied for a $2500.00 grant entitled “Spruce up Your School Grant.”

Challenge #4- Grade 4/5
To improve morning snacks.
After a lot of research, the students learned that this issue was not a school based decision. Due to this fact, this group has decided to break up and join others challenges. Just like in the real world, it is important to know where your limits are. Still these kids learned a ton in the process!

    As always our laboratory has an open door policy.  Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.